Monday, 6 September 2010

Closed Circuit Nation

One of the most unnerving things about walking anywhere in the United Kingdom, is the fact that no matter where you go: YOU ARE BEING WATCHED.

I find this amusing, as the UK has more CCTV Cameras anywhere else in the world! (and that includes the United States!)

It is also particularey disturbing that the term, 'Big Brother is watching you' from the book '1984' was written by a BRITISH person called George Orwell. In fact, oppressive police states are referred to as 'Orwellian'.

Thankfully, now I live in the Netherlands, and I only tend to see these CCTV cameras at places I would expect to; at Banks, train stations, and general retail fact the only CCTV that come to mind is the one that is at my local Coffeeshop Zanzi, (and even then the sign for it is still bigger than the camera!)